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Wednesday, April 11

Tip 1. Chores are Fun in Spanish

4 Tips on Learning Spanish Every Day.

Often we would like to speak Spanish but there is nobody readily available to talk to. We can take opportunities to speak Spanish aloud to ourselves while doing our daily tasks.

Today's tip:

Tip 1. Pick at least one daily activity and use Spanish every time you do it.

Over time I have applied this to cooking, playing my trumpet, driving, biking, washing the car, doing yardwork and housework. It takes your mind off scrubbing the floor although it would take a milagro verdadero to make it fun.

Make sure you concentrate on just one activity and keep it up for at least a few weeks. This will get you accustomed to the vocabulary and phrases associated with this task. In turn you will begin to think in Spanish, at least for this activity.

This accomplishment will give you great confidence to move on and expand your Spanish to horizontes nuevos.

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