Tip 4. Skype, Yahoo, Jaha and Lycos
Tip 4. Skype.
If 35 cents is too much to chat on the phone to a mayor's assistant, sign up for a service like SKYPE and talk to millions of people in Spanish for FREE if the other party also has the Skype service, or very inexpensively if you call a non-Skype phone.
Some of their services you, as a Spanish learner, might be interested in are:
Skypecasts, Skype Chat, and Skype Video Calling.
The skype article in wikipedia
will give you a good overview of the services before you head for the Skype Site itself.
Other competing services are low-cost by not free such as Jajah and Yahoo. A third competitor to Skype is Lycos which has free calling but you have to put up with their advertising.
If 35 cents is too much to chat on the phone to a mayor's assistant, sign up for a service like SKYPE and talk to millions of people in Spanish for FREE if the other party also has the Skype service, or very inexpensively if you call a non-Skype phone.
Some of their services you, as a Spanish learner, might be interested in are:
Skypecasts, Skype Chat, and Skype Video Calling.
The skype article in wikipedia
will give you a good overview of the services before you head for the Skype Site itself.
Other competing services are low-cost by not free such as Jajah and Yahoo. A third competitor to Skype is Lycos which has free calling but you have to put up with their advertising.