Singing with Stars in Spanish Part 2: Mana
Amerigo likes to Sing
I like singing in Spanish with the Stars. One of my favourite bands from Mexico is Mana. I only found out about them a few years ago when I was staying with a family in Guatemala while studying Spanish. I asked the kids in the family who their favourite singing stars were.Amerigo is Culturally Challenged
They said "of course there's Mana" and gave me the 'but of course you've listened to them for so many years you probably have all their albums' look. I said I hadn't heard of Mana. This caused quite a stir in the family and I was whisked off to el mercado the next day to hit the stalls. They loaded me up with some great stuff and I have enjoyed Mana and others ever since.Amerigo Finds Something Other than Videos of Bottle Rockets on YouTube
Imagine my delight when I found Mana videos on YouTube. I had listened to many of Mana's albums before I thought of looking up a Mana on Youtube. It is quite a different experience to see them perform even on video.
This Squidoo site is dedicated to Mana and features some Mana videos with lyrics, trivia , a history of the band from when they were called the Green Hats to their latest tour and a look at a few of their albums.
Enjoy singing along with a few videos of these Mexican superstars.
Amerigo is going on holidays until mid-September. I'll see you then.